潘虹《All About You》[FLAC]

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Don’t know how to tell you

I’m feeling something new

I’ve been waiting for somebody to come through

When my heart stops for you

From the moment I knew

Don’t know when I started falling for you

All these years I have been waiting for clues

Tried to hide all the feelings can’t hide the truth

Love is all about you

When the world spins around I only see you

You’ll be my wind shield and my war suit

Nothing will matter if I’m close to you close to you with you

Don’t know how to tell you

I’m feeling something new

I’ve been waiting for somebody to come through

When my heart stops for you

From the moment I knew

Don’t know when I started falling for you

All these years I have been waiting for clues

Tried to hide all the feelings can’t hide the truth

Love is all about you

When the world spins around I only see you

You’ll be my wind shield and my war suit

Nothing will matter if I’m close to you close to you with you

Love is all about you

When the world spins around I only see you

You’ll be my wind shield and my war suit

Nothing will matter if I’m close to you close to you with you


山雨音乐 » 潘虹《All About You》[FLAC]


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