贾斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)《Yummy》[MP3/8.11MB]

钻石免费 永久钻石免费


Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

Any night any day

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

In the mornin’ or the late

Say the word on my way

Bonafide stallion

Ain’t in no stable no you stay on the run

Ain’t on the side you’re number one

Yeah every time I come around you get it done

You get it done

Fifty-fifty love the way you split it

Hundred racks help me spend it babe

Light a match get litty babe

That jet set watch the sunset kinda of yeah yeah

Rollin’ eyes back in my head make my toes curl yeah yeah

Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

Any night any day

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

In the mornin’ or late

Say the word on my way

Standing up keep me on a rise

Lost control of myself I’m compromised

You’re incriminated no disguise

No disguise

And you ain’t never running low on supplies

Fifty-fifty love the way you split it

Hundred racks help me spend it babe

Light a match get litty babe

That jet set watch the sunset kinda of yeah yeah

Rollin’ eyes back in my head make my toes curl yeah yeah

Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

You stay flexin’ on me

You stay flexin’ on me

Yeah you got that yummy-yum

Yeah yeah

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

Yeah babe

Any night any day

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

Yeah babe

In the mornin’ or late

Say the word on my way

Hop in the Lambo’ I’m on my way

Drew House slippers on with a smile on my face

I’m elated that you are my lady

You got the yum yum yum yum

You got the yum yum-yum woah


Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Yeah you got that yummy-yum

That yummy-yum that yummy-yummy

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

Yeah babe

Any night any day

Say the word on my way

Yeah babe yeah babe yeah babe

Yeah babe

In the mornin’ or late

Say the word on my way


山雨音乐 » 贾斯汀比伯(Justin Bieber)《Yummy》[MP3/8.11MB]


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