Tones And I《Dance Monkey》[MP3/5.33MB]

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They say oh my god I see the way you shine

Take your hand my dear and place them both in mine

You know you stopped me dead when I was passing by

And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

Ooh I see you see you see you every time

And oh my I I I like your style

You you make me make me make me wanna cry

And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

So I say

Dance for me dance for me dance for me oh oh oh

I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me move for me move for me

Ay ay ay

And when you’re done I’ll make you do it all again

I said oh my god I see you walking by

Take my hands my dear and look me in my eyes

Just like a monkey I’ve been dancing my whole life

And you just beg to see me dance just one more time

Ooh I see you see you see you every time

And oh my I I I like your style

You you make me make me make me wanna cry

And now I beg to see you dance just one more time

So I say

Dance for me dance for me dance for me oh oh oh

I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me move for me move for me

Ay ay ay

And when you’re done I’ll make you do it all again

They say

Dance for me dance for me dance for me

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me move for me move for me

Ay ay ay

And when you’re done I’ll make you do it all again

Ooh all again all again

Woah-oh woah-oh oh

Ah ah ah ah ay

They say

Dance for me dance for me dance for me

Oh oh oh

I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me move for me move for me

Ay ay ay

And when you’re done I’ll make you do it all again

They say

Dance for me dance for me dance for me

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say move for me move for me move for me

Ay ay ay

And when you’re done I’ll make you do it all again

All again


山雨音乐 » Tones And I《Dance Monkey》[MP3/5.33MB]


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