英雄联盟True Damage《GIANTS》[FLAC/MP3/25.39MB]

钻石免费 永久钻石免费


Moving too fast life is moving in slow-mo

I’m a god better ask if you don’t know

Homie better put your pride aside

I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo

Your best stuff looks like my worst synapses fire and burst

Got the whole crew with me ’bout to deal damage you know we ain’t average

I ain’t gonna say this again but this is my time better look in my eyes

I’m a genius in disguise wear my heart on my sleeve

And you forced to oblige to a king in his Prime

Everybody get in Line

Sit back watch the stars Align

I finesse like my life on the Line

Was a diamond in the rough and now I Shine

Ay no one can stop us they’ll try but they won’t

Ay nada nos puede parar oh no

We’re wide awake now our eyes are wide open

We’re running this world we keeping it turning

We’re living like Giants

Yea Giants

We’re bigger than Giants

We Giants

Oh oh oh oh

Sleeping Giants sleeping sleeping Giants

Shutting it down been underground now my people all up in this place

Spinning this thing gold on my ring royalty up in my veins

I’m loco think I’m so cold I stay stunting ain’t no goin’ back

Now they ask where QiQi’s at I’m like you can’t hang with that

쏟아져 빛이 멀게 돼 눈이

멈추진 않아 once we go

날카로운 날로 뭐든 베어

빨리 달려 넌 못.따.라. 와

True Damage we do it

True Damage 보여줄게 뭐든 쉽게

이기든지든 My crew make the beat drop

Ay no one can stop us they’ll try but they won’t

Ay nada nos puede parar oh no

We’re wide awake now our eyes are wide open

We’re running this world we keeping it turning

We’re living like Giants

Yea Giants

We’re bigger than Giants

We Giants

Ya thought that we were weak but we coming right back

This time ya gonna see how we do it like that

We’re living like Giants

Yea Giants

We’re bigger than Giants

We Giants

Oh oh oh oh

Sleeping Giants sleeping sleeping Giants

I keep on shattering time

I might just leave you behind

Homie you stuck on rewind

You should quit sleeping on mines you got your back on recline

When I damage your delicate spine

Please don’t act all shy and surprised

They be like


They be like

What you mean what is your winning scheme

I got a giant team big as my self-esteem

Run it back run it back running man

They think they go hard I’m like come again

You run out of time when I’m bustin’ in

While you stumbling I got this blade in my hand for your punishment

We’re wide awake now our eyes are wide open

We’re running this world we keeping it turning

We’re living like Giants

Yea Giants

We’re bigger than Giants

We Giants

Ya thought that we were weak but we coming right back

This time ya gonna see how we do it like that

We’re living like Giants

Yea Giants

We’re bigger than Giants

We Giants

Oh oh oh oh

Sleeping Giants sleeping sleeping GIANTS


山雨音乐 » 英雄联盟True Damage《GIANTS》[FLAC/MP3/25.39MB]


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