Deep Side《Booty Music》[FLAC/MP3/25.02MB]

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When it be going like that boom boom

Girl I want to put you all up in my room

I wanna put you all up against that wall

Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off

Everybody don’t like it slow

Consider me one of them folk

Let’s get to it

Get to it

Get to it

Get to it

Kinda crunk and I’m on this scene

A look back and that’s my sh*t

Plus I had a shot of that quick Patron

Now I’m in my boxers like botron

Everybody don’t like it slow

Consider me one of them folk

And let’s do it

Let’s do it

Let’s do it

Let’s do it

Baby that’s the way I like it

That’s the way you like it

That’s the way we like it

Making love to booty music

Go Leo it’s your birthday

Go Virgo it’s your birthday

Go Pisces it’s your birthday

Making love to booty music

Girl I feel all in my bones

Tryna keep up with that tempo

Make it all night till your back gets sore

Till we just can’t take it no more

Girl your ass like “OH MY GOD!”

Make it clap back till you give me

Applause sounded like

When I get in them drawers

Got you hair in tangles

They’re wrapped around your ankles

I’m gripping on your handles

I’m hitting on different angles like

10 5 cent 10 cent dollar

10 5 cent 10 cent dollar

10 5 cent 10 cent dollar

Let me see you pop it

That’s the way I like it

That’s the way you like it

That’s the way we like it

Making love to booty music

Go Aries it’s your birthday

Go Libra it’s your birthday

Go Scorpio it’s your birthday

Making love to booty music

Now don’t stop get it

Get it

Pop that coochie let me hit it

I wanna rock

I wanna rock

Let me get a little bit of that donkey right

Now don’t stop get it

Get it

Let me put some stank up in it

I wanna rock

I wanna rock

Let me get a little bit of that donkey right

Does anyone out there wanna

Let me get a little bit of that donkey right

Baby that’s the way I like it

That’s the way you like it

That’s the way we like it

Making love to booty music

Go Taurus it’s your birthday

Go Capricorn it’s your birthday

Go Aquarius it’s your birthday

Making love to booty music

That’s the way I like it

That’s the way you like it

That’s the way we like it

Making love to booty music

Go Taurus it’s your birthday

Go Gemini it’s your birthday

Go Sag it’s your birthday

Making love to booty music


山雨音乐 » Deep Side《Booty Music》[FLAC/MP3/25.02MB]


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