BD蓝光演示碟DTS Blu-ray Music Demo Disc 2 2013


Reference quality 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio Blu-Ray (compatible with normal DTS, too)

Great for testing your surround system, with this demo you really see how good your system can be! Even low budget systems sounds good with these tracks!

BDMV and Certificate folders for burning on BD-25,or for playing with for example Arcsoft Total Media Theatre or other BD PC players. VLC Player also plays individual tracks in BDMV/STREAM folder.

Without any copy or regional protection. With Title Menu and Auto-Loop function for In-store demo. Cover and Disc Label for printing included.

Oh, and video is of course in Full HD 1080 uncompressed quality!

Includes some of the greatest 5.1 sounding live performances and videos:


Julieta Venegas – Limon y Sal

Andrea Bocelli – Vivo Per Lei

Celine Dion – Alone

Seal – Stand By Me

Phil Collins – Papa Was A Rolling Stone

Babyface & Kevon Edmonds – I Swear

Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman – Something Stupid

Adele – Rolling In The Deep

The Pogues – Fiesta

The Pretenders – Boots Of Chinese Plastic

Toto – Africa

Eagles – Life In The Fast Lane

Peter Gabriel – Solsbury Hill

Pink – Who Knew

Green Day – Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Porcupine Tree – Wedding Nails

Amy Winehouse – Back To Black

Madonna – Miles Away

Black Eyed Peas – Imma Be/Rock That Body

Rooney – I Can`t Get Enough 7.1

Rusty Truck – Cold Ground 7.1

Chris Isaak – Wicked Game

Diane Birch – Valentino

Talking Heads – There Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)

Verdi IL Trovatore – Gypsy Chorus

Edvard Grieg – Concerto for Piano & Orchestra 7.1 ( Audio only )

Depeche Mode – Leave In Silence ( Audio only )



山雨音乐 » BD蓝光演示碟DTS Blu-ray Music Demo Disc 2 2013


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