[DVD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛 Kylie Minogue – Fever Live In Manchester 2002]DVD ISO 7.69GB

Artist: Kylie Minogue
Title Of Album: KylieFever2002: Live in Manchester
Year Of Release: 2002
Quality: DVD9

KylieFever2002 is the 2002 live DVD by Kylie Minogue, recorded at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, on 4 May 2002 during the KylieFever2002 concert tour. The DVD contains the full two-hour concert, a 30-minute behind-the-scenes documentary, live projections of the songs “Cowboy Style”, “Light Years” / “I Feel Love”, “I Should Be So Lucky”, and “Burning Up”, and a photo-gallery. A limited edition version was also released, with different packaging and a bonus CD with highlights from the KylieFever2002 concert. KylieFever2002 reached No. 16 on U.S. Billboard’s Top Music Video chart.

1 Come Into My World
2 Shocked
3 Love At First Sight
4 Fever
5 Spinning Around
6 The Crying Game (Ballads Section)
8 Confide In Me
9 Cowboy Style
10 Kids
11 On A Night Like This
12 Locomotion
13 In Your Eyes (Latin Section)
14 Limbo
15 Light Years / I Feel Love
16 Lucky
17 Burning Up
18 Better The Devil You Know
19 Can’t Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head

DVD Extras
20 Feel The Fever Documentary
21 Gallery
22 Projections


山雨音乐 » [DVD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛 Kylie Minogue – Fever Live In Manchester 2002]DVD ISO 7.69GB


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