[DVD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛 Kylie Minogue – 1991 Let-s Get To It Tour – Live in Dublin]DVD ISO 3

Artist: Kylie Minogue

Title Of Album: Let’s Get To It Tour – Live in Dublin
Year Of Release: 1991
Quality: DVD5
Size: 3.28GB

The Let’s Get to It Tour was the fourth concert tour by Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue As stated by Minogue herself in 1991, the tour was technically a continuation of the previous Rhythm of Love Tour which had already visited Australia and Asia In addition to revising the setlist, she assembled a new band to work with her existing musical director and choreographer Backed by her five dancers, Minogue mounted the tour in support of her fourth studio album Let’s Get to It (1991)
The show comprised an all-new couture wardrobe created by John Galliano and several new additions to the set list from the new album, many of which were written by Minogue herself She wore a plastic raincoat, which was designed by Galliano
By her choosing of outfits on the tour, the title “SexKylie” was given by the media in this period

1 Opening
2 Step Back In Time
3 Got To Be Certain
4 Let’s Get To It
5 Word Is Out
6 Finer Feelings
7 I Should Be So Lucky
8 If You Were With Me Now
9 Too Much Of A Good Thing
10 What Do I Have To Do
11 I Guess I Like It Like That
12 Shocked
13 Better The Devil You Know
14 Closing Credits


山雨音乐 » [DVD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛 Kylie Minogue – 1991 Let-s Get To It Tour – Live in Dublin]DVD ISO 3


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