[DVD欧美演唱会][凯莉·米洛 Kylie Minogue – Intimate And Live 1998]DVD ISO 7.12GB

Artist: Kylie Minogue
Title Of Album: Intimate And Live
Year Of Release: 1998
Quality: DVD9
Size: 7.12GB

Intimate and Live was the fifth concert tour by Australian recording artist Kylie Minogue, in support of her sixth studio album, Impossible Princess (1997). Minogue confirmed the tour after her creative directors, William Baker and Steve Anderson, had discussed the idea with her. Both Baker and Anderson, who were inexperienced in touring, decided to direct and promote the tour after Minogue left Deconstruction Records and Sony BMG. The set list consisted of mainly songs from the supporting studio album and rehearsals that started during January 1998.
The shows were divided into four parts; Impossible Princess, Showgirl, Cowgirl and an encore. The first featured Minogue appearing inside a multi-colored cone, the second was inspired by Showgirl props and costumes, the third incorporated cowboy-influenced props and a K symbol, and the fourth and final is an encore performance for “Better the Devil You Know”. The tour garnered positive appreciation from music critics and commercial success. Tickets were completely sold as soon as dates and venues for the tour were announced, prompting the organizers to add more dates. Despite negotiations on not touring the UK, Minogue decided to visit the country and also achieved positive reviews and commercial success.

01 Too Far
02 What Do I Have To Do
03 Some Kind Of Bliss
04 Put Yourself In My Place
05 Breathe
06 Take Me With You
07 I Should Be So Lucky
08 Dancing Queen
09 Dangerous Game
10 Cowboy Style
11 Step Back In Time
12 Say Hey
13 Free
14 Drunk
15 Did It Again
16 Limbo
17 Shocked
18 Confide In Me
19 Locomotion
20 Should I Stay Or Should I Go
21 Better The Devil You Know


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