[BD欧美演唱会][怀特岛音乐节演出记实 Leonard Cohen – Live at the Isle of Wight 1970][BDMV]20.1G

英文片名:Leonard Cohen: Live at the Isle of Wight
中文片名:怀特岛音乐节演出记实 (1970)
类 型:音乐
地 区:加拿大
文件大小:20.1 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080P
音 轨:英语 Dolby TrueHD 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

2009年10月20日,纪录片专辑《Leonard Cohen Live At The Isle of Wight 1970》将同时以CD+DVD/2LP/BluRay三种方式由Columbia唱片公司旗下Legacy唱片发行。这是一部让众多乐迷期盼已久的现场纪录,近40年前Cohen的精彩现场将以音频视频以及大量罕见照片和文字的形式重现。

Nearly 40 summers ago on August 31, 1970, 35-year-old Leonard Cohen was awakened at 2 a.m. from a nap in his trailer and brought onstage to perform with his band at the third annual Isle Of Wight music festival. The audience of 600,000 was in a fiery and frenzied mood, after turning the festival into a political arena, trampling the fences, setting fire to structures and equip… (展开全部)   Nearly 40 summers ago on August 31, 1970, 35-year-old Leonard Cohen was awakened at 2 a.m. from a nap in his trailer and brought onstage to perform with his band at the third annual Isle Of Wight music festival. The audience of 600,000 was in a fiery and frenzied mood, after turning the festival into a political arena, trampling the fences, setting fire to structures and equipment – and stoked by the most incendiary performance of Jimi Hendrix’s career.

As Cohen followed Hendrix’s set, onlookers and (fellow festival headliners) Joan Baez, Kris Kristofferson, Judy Collins and others stood sidestage in awe as the Canadian folksinger-songwriter-poet-novelist quietly tamed the crowd. Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Murray Lerner (From Mao To Mozart, Festival, Message To Love), perfectly captured Cohen’s performance. Likewise, Columbia Records staff A&R producer Teo Macero did a brilliant job of supervising the live audio recording.

This CD/DVD package contains the new, beautiful film documentary by Lerner featuring interviews with fellow festival performers, as well as Cohen’s full performance on CD. All tracks are previously unreleased (sans bits of “Suzanne” which were featured in the documentary Message to Love, also by Lerner). Included are live versions of classic songs from the first two Leonard Cohen LPs: “So Long, Marianne,” “The Stranger Song,” “Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye,” “Suzanne,” “Bird On The Wire,” “You Know Who I Am,” and “The Partisan” as well as spoken word and poetry.

Also available on 180-gram Vinyl and Blu-ray

曲目 · · · · · ·

1. Introduction
2. Bird On The Wire
3. Intro to So Long, Marianne
4. So Long, Marianne
5. Intro: “Let’s renew ourselves now…”
6. You Know Who I Am
7. Intro to Poems
8. Lady Midnight
9. They Locked Up A Man (poem)/A Person Who Eats Meat/Intro
10. One Of Us Cannot Be Wrong
11. The Stranger Song
12. Tonight Will Be Fine
13. Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye
14. Diamonds In The Mine
15. Suzanne
16. Sing Another Song, Boys
17. The Partisan


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][怀特岛音乐节演出记实 Leonard Cohen – Live at the Isle of Wight 1970][BDMV]20.1G


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