[BD欧美演唱会][亚洲合唱团幻想曲年东京演唱会 Asia Fantasia Live in Tokyo 2007][BDMV]22.86G

英文片名:Asia Fantasia Live In Tokyo
中文片名:亚洲合唱团幻想曲年东京演唱会 (2007)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:22.86 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
英 语:AC3 5.1
英 语:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Asia, featuring members of Yes, ELP and King Crimson, was the first “supergroup” of the eighties. Their eponymous debut album, released in 1982, was a huge success racking up global sales in excess of 15 million copies. In 2006 the original four members reunited for the first time in over 20 years for a series of concerts in the US and the UK. The success of this tour led to a full-blown world tour running throughout 2007 in celebration of their 25th anniversary. This CD was recorded in Tokyo in March 2007 on the Japanese leg of the tour. The companion DVD will be released in Fall 2007 on Eaglevision.

亚洲合唱团 幻想曲 2007年东京演唱会 Asia Fantasia.Live in Tokyo
英文名:Asia Fantasia.Live in Tokyo

此现场专辑由四名皆能独当一面的乐坛大将联合演出:巴格斯乐队成员之键盘高手- 吉尔夫·党恩斯,Yes乐队成员之吉他圣手-史蒂夫·豪,E.L.P乐队成员之前卫鼓手-卡尔·帕尔莫尔,克里穆国王乐队成员之主唱-约翰·威腾。四位歌手是八十年代初组成的Asia-亚洲合唱团,在2006年四个成员第一次在美国和英国为一系列演唱会在超过20年中重聚,这是2007年在他们的第25周年纪念巡回演唱会中的日本东京现场记录。

1 Time Again
2 Wildest Dreams
3 One Step Closer
4 Roundabout
5 Without You
6 Cutting It Fine
7 Intersection Blues (Steve Howe Solo)
8 Fanfare For The Common Man
9 The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
10 Don’t Cry
11 In The Court Of The Crimson King
12 Here Comes The Feeling
13 Video Killed The Radio Star
14 The Heat Goes On / Drum Solo
15 Only Time Will Tell
16 Sole Survivor
17 Ride Easy
18 Heat Of The Moment


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][亚洲合唱团幻想曲年东京演唱会 Asia Fantasia Live in Tokyo 2007][BDMV]22.86G


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