[BD欧美演唱会][塔雅·图仑尼 Tarja Turunen & Mike Terrana – Beauty & the Beat 2014][BDMV][33.3G][百度网盘]

英文片名:Tarja Turunen & Mike Terrana: Beauty & the Beat
中文片名:塔雅·图仑尼演唱会 (2013)
类 型:音乐
地 区:德国
文件大小:33.37 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
英 语:LPCM 2.0
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Tarja Turunen & Mike Terrana: Beauty & the Beat
Released: 2013
Genre: Classical, Crossover, Pop Rock
Conductor: Walter Attanasi
Starring: Tarja Turunen (soprano vocal), Mike Terrana (drums), Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra, Brno Academy Choir


“Beauty & The Beat” is something very different than your ordinary rock show, let alone your ordinary classic concert. It’s music played in an unorthodox manner, it’s the performance of a wide range of classical pieces and rock songs together with an orchestra and choir. It strikes you with awe.
Originally planned as a one-time event – the first performance was already held in 2011, the show was too successful with fans and critics to simply never happen again. In spring 2013, Tarja Turunen and drummer Mike Terrana again toured throughout the world, from Poland to Russia to Mexico.

The music of “Beauty & The Beat” ranges from immortal classic pieces by Bach, Strauss and Mozart to Rossini, but does not neglect pure rock music like songs from Led Zeppelin, Queen as well as Tarja’s own pieces. All combined with orchestra and choir with more than 100 musicians on stage, an enormous sound, energetic drums and Tarja’s angelic voice
Tarja and Mike complement each other musically. Whereas Mike bangs his drums with rock attitude, Tarja shines with her crystal clear voice and incredible stage presence; all lulled with the warm, full sound of an orchestra.

Tarja Turunen explains: “The idea of ​​having a symphonic orchestra, choir and Mr. Terrana on drums was originally mine. Mike has done a recording with drums over classical pieces that I think it is great. I immediately imagined it performed live on a stage with a real orchestra as a part of a bigger concept. I believe this kind of combination of instruments, particularly playing mainly classical music, is very unique. I have been making collaborations with orchestras before and I could foresee a great outcome.
Our main goal with these kind of concerts is that the younger audience experiences the beauty and power of a symphonic orchestra and choir. Hopefully it will serve as an introduction to classical music for some of our fans. “


1 –Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic Orchestra* Carmen Overture
Composed By – Bizet*
2 –Mike* Concert For Violin & Oboe
Composed By – Bach*
3 –Tarja* Blute Nur
Composed By – Bach*
4 –Tarja* Zuneignung – Op. 10, No. 1
Composed By – Strauss*
5 –Mike* Barber Of Seville
Composed By – Rossini*
6 –Mike* New World Symphony
Composed By – Dvorák*
7 –Tarja* Song To The Moon
Composed By – Dvorák*
8 –Tarja* Vilja Lied
Composed By – Lehár*
9 –Tarja* O Mio Babbino Caro
Composed By – Puccini*
10 –Tarja* & Mike* The Reign
Written-By – Zagoritis*, Heldmann*, Turunen*, Stenzel*
11 –Tarja* You Take My Breath Away
Written-By – Mercury*
12 –Tarja* & Mike* Witch-Hunt
Written-By – Turunen*
–Tarja* & Mike* Led Zeppelin Medley
13.1 – Kashmir
Written-By – Page*, Plant*, Bonham*
13.2 – Immigrant Song
Written-By – Page*, Plant*
13.3 – Stairway To Heaven
Written-By – Page*, Plant*
13.4 – Kashmir
Written-By – Page*, Plant*, Bonham*
14 –Tarja* & Mike* Swanheart
Written-By – Holopainen*
15 –Mike* Can-Can
Composed By – Offenbach*
16 –Tarja* Mein Herr Marquis
Composed By – Strauss*
17 –Mike* & Tarja* Fly Me To The Moon
Written-By – Howard*
18 –Tarja* & Mike* Into The Sun
Written-By – Wollbeck*, Lindblom*, Velvet*, Turunen*
19 –Mike* William Tell Overture
Composed By – Rossini*
20 –Tarja* I Feel Pretty
Composed By – Bernstein*
21 –Mike* Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Composed By – Mozart*
22 –Tarja* & Mike* I Walk Alone
Written-By – Wollbeck*, Sommerdahl*, Lindblom*
Bonus Material: Photo Gallery

Issued: Germany | Edel Germany GmbH
Duration: 2:08:58


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][塔雅·图仑尼 Tarja Turunen & Mike Terrana – Beauty & the Beat 2014][BDMV][33.3G][百度网盘]


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