[BD欧美演唱会][Toto – Live in Monreeux 1991 [2016][BDMV][17G][百度网盘]

英文片名:Toto: Live at Montreux
中文片名:演唱会 (1991)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:16.95 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Name: Toto: Live at Montreux
Released: 1991
Genre: Rock, Soft Rock, Jazz Rock, Fusion
Artist: Steve Lukather – guitar, vocals; David Paich – keyboards, vocals, backing vocals; Mike Porcaro – bass; Jeff Porcaro – drums, percussion; Chris Trujillo – percussion; Fred White, Jackie McGhee, Jenny Douglas, John James – backing vocals


Toto have welcomed many different band members across their long career but in the early nineties they had a short period as a four-piece featuring Steve Lukather (guitar & lead vocals), David Paich (keyboards & vocals), Jeff Porcaro (drums & percussion ) and Mike Porcaro (bass). The line-up, with some additional touring members, performed this concert at Montreux in July 1991 and would go on to make the Kingdom Of Desire album released in 1992, shortly after the tragic early death of drummer Jeff Porcaro. The Montreux show, now being released for the first time, combines then unreleased tracks from the Kingdom Of Desire album with classic hits and covers of songs by Jimi Hendrix and Sly Stone. It is a perfect addition to any Toto fan’s collection.

• Live at the Montreux Casino, Montreux Jazz Festival, Switzerland, 05/07/1991
1. On The Run
2. Kingdom Of Desire
3. I’ll Be Over You
4. Africa
5. Jake To The Bone
6. Red House
7. Rosanna
8. I Want To Take You Higher

Issued: USA | Eagle Rock En


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