[BD欧美演唱会][The Kelly Family – We Got Love Live 2017][BDMV]45.3G

Artist: The Kelly Family
Title Of Album: We Got Love – Live
Year Of Release: 2017
Label: Airforce 1
Country: Ireland/USA
Genre: Pop,rock,folk
Quality: Blu-ray
Video: MPEG-4 AVC 34999 kbps / 1920x1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: LPCM 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Time: 02:06:03
Full Size: 45.36 GB

In March 2017, the Kelly Family released their long-awaited new album “We Got Love”. In addition, the cult band from the 1990s announced their live reunion and then sold several times the Dortmund Westfalenhalle.
With “We Got Love: Live” there is now a recording of these rousing, emotional concerts in picture and sound.
A total of 32 titles have made it to the concert album and the concert film, including numerous classics such as “I Can not Stop The Love”, “Why Why Why”, “An Angel”, “Nanana”, “Fell In Love With An Alien, I Can not Help Myself and many more.
The extensive live recording from Dortmund is available on double CD as well as on double DVD and Blu-ray

1. I Can’t Stop The Love
2. Why Why Why
3. First Time
4. Imagine
5. Because It’s Love
6. Come Back To Me
7. Red Shoes
8. No Lies
9. An Angel
10. Loch Lomond
11. When I Was In Town
12. Echo La Ronda
13. Une Famille C’est Une Chanson
14. Swing Low
15. When The Boys Come Into Town
16. Nanana
17. Keep On Singing
18. Fathers Nose
19. Please Don’t Go
20. Drum Solo
21. Fell In Love With An Alien
22. I Can’t Help Myself
23. The Wolf
24. Cover The Road
25. We Got Love
26. Dan O’Feefes (Irish Jig)
27. Wearing Of The Green
28. Who’ll Come With Me (David’s Song)
29. Good Neighbor
30. Take My Hand
31. Brothers And Sisters
32. Das Comeback – Making Of
33. Nanana
34. Brothers And Sisters


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][The Kelly Family – We Got Love Live 2017][BDMV]45.3G


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