[BD欧美演唱会][The Kelly Family:We Got Love – Live at Loreley 2018][BDMV]43.4G

英文片名:The Kelly Family: We Got Love – Live at Loreley
中文片名:The Kelly Family演唱会 (2018)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:43.45 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

We Got Love is the fifteenth studio album by European-American pop group The Kelly Family. It was released by license to Airforce1 Records, a division of Universal Music, on March 24, 2017 throughout most of Central Europe. This is the comeback album, released 13 years after the previous one and the band’s breakup. This album contains remakes of old hits and new material.

01. Thunder
02. No Lies
03. I Can’t Help Myself
04. Come Back To Me
05. Why Why Why
06. Imagine
07. First Time
08. Key To My Heart
09. Fell In Love With An Alien
10. Fathers Nose
11. Red Shoes
12. We Got Love
13. Loch Lomond
14. The Rose
15. Let My People Go
16. Let It Be
17. When The Boys Come Into Town
18. Keep On Singing
19. Sick Man
20. Drum Solo
21. Please Don’t Go
22. The Wolf
23. Madre Tan Hermosa
24. An Angel
25. Only Our Rivers Run Free
26. Dan O’Feefes (Irish Jig)
27. Wearing Of The Green
28. Good Neighbor
29. Nanana
30. Take My Hand
31. Who’ll Come With Me (David’s Song)
32. Brothers And Sisters

Making Of (Live At Loreley / 2018) – [00:20:43]
Award Verleihung -[00:05:02]


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][The Kelly Family:We Got Love – Live at Loreley 2018][BDMV]43.4G


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