[BD欧美演唱会][德国重金属 Accept – Live In Chile (Live In Chile 2013) (2014) ][BDMV][22.1G][百度网盘]

Name: Accept – Blind Rage (Live In Chile 2013)
Year: 2014
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Heavy Metal
Quality: BDMV, AVC, 1920×1080, 16:9, 9330 kbps, 29.970 fps
Duration: 02:00:13
Total Size:22.1 Gb
Audio:English, PCM, 48.0 KHz, 2ch, 1536 kb/s

Accept is one of the leading bands in West German metal, along with Scorpions, they have promoted German rock and metal to international charts. Accept, of course, focused on the English-speaking heavy metal artists, but noticeably differed from “just imitators” by the unusual vocals of their leader Udo Dirkschneider, the owner of a murderous, “inhuman” timbre of voice, blasting the power of two high-speed solo guitars, also special brutality of instrumental sound, general aggressiveness of the image. The triumphant return of the heavy metal kings has taken place, but so far you can only guess about their real strength! Who would have thought that after such a successful career as ACCEPT had in the 80s (the heyday of heavy music, by the way!), After more than 10 years of absence on stage, these guys will be able not only to ‘remember youth’, but record a comeback album, which has become one of the most successful in the entire career of the group, and roll back a solid tour, every day burning napalm concert venues around the world! The modern ACCEPT is a beast that broke free after being kept in a cage for years. Strong, as never before, they have already proved EVERYTHING that they have returned in earnest and for a long time. Thundering refrains, unique melodies, beautiful guitar solos – they penetrate the body from the first riffs, remaining with a metallic taste of blood in the mouth … The concert, held on April 12, 2013 at the Teatro Caupolican in Santiago (Chile) as part of “Stalingrad” – tour.


01. Intro
02. Hung, Drawn And Quartered
03. Hellfire
04. Restless And Wild
05. Losers And Winners
06. Stalingrad
07. Breaker
08. Bucket Full Of Hate
09. Monsterman
10. Shadow Soldiers
11. Amamos La Vida
12. Guitar Solo Wolf
13. Neon Nights
14. Bulletproof
15. Aiming High
16. Princess Of The Dawn
17. Up To The Limit
18. No Shelter
19. Pandemic
20. Fast As A Shark
21. Metal Heart
22. Teutonic Terror
23. Balls To The Wall


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][德国重金属 Accept – Live In Chile (Live In Chile 2013) (2014) ][BDMV][22.1G][百度网盘]


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