[BD欧美演唱会][音乐纪录片 Charles Lloyd – Arrows Into Infinity – A film by Dorothy Darr & Jeffery Morse 2012 (2014)][BDMV]14.4G

Name: Charles Lloyd: Arrows Into Infinity
Year: 2012
Genre: Documentary, Music
Directed by: Dorothy Darr, Jeffery Morse
Cast: Herbie Hancock, Robbie Robertson, Jack DeJohnette, Ornette Coleman, Don Was, John Densmore, Zakir Hussain, Jim Keltner, Jason Moran, Reuben Rogers, Eric Harland, Geri Allen, Larry Grenadier, Alicia Hall, Moran Stanley Crouch, Manfred Eicher, Michael Cuscuna, Arthur Monroe, Ayuko Babu


Charles Lloyd was one of the most influential jazz musicians of the 1960s. His music crossed traditional boundaries and explored new territories. Catapulted into worldwide fame in his 20s, by his early 30s, he abandoned his life of touring and recording and went into seclusion in Big Sur, CA. Circumstance brought him back to a public life in the late 1980s. ‘Arrows Into Infinity’ is a journey in sound through the unusual life and career of this jazz legend. Lloyd’s own voice, and those who worked with him over the last five decades help us discover and better understand this enigmatic man and his spiritual pursuit through music. This film is a collaborative work between Lloyd’s wife Dorothy Darr; a painter, and videographer / filmmaker, Jeffery Morse.

01. Start 7:27
02. NYC 1:41
03. Chico Hamilton 3:08
04. Cannonball 2:17
05. Slugs 4:19
06. Of Course, Of Course 1:23
07. The Original Quartet 8:47
08. Forest Flower 4:58
09. Sovjet Union 3:20
10. Changing Times 3:41
11. Moon Man 3:47
12. Griot 1:56
13. Lonesome Child 7:06
14. Big Sur 6:32
15. Dorotea 1:24
16. Michel 3:18
17. Fish Out of Water 1:24
18. Tenderness 2:24
19. Ornette 3:09
20. Vedanta 3:06
21. Sangam 6:56
22. Billy 6:29
23. Soundscape 5:02
24. The New Quartet 2:41
25. Go Down Moses 4:23
26. Moving On 5:59
27. Winds of Grace 2:32
28. Credits 3:24

Issued: United States | Universal Music
Duration: 1:52:35


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][音乐纪录片 Charles Lloyd – Arrows Into Infinity – A film by Dorothy Darr & Jeffery Morse 2012 (2014)][BDMV]14.4G


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