[BD欧美演唱会][The Rolling Stones – Steel Wheels Live From Atlantic City New Jersey 1989 Blu-ray AVC 1080i DTS-HD MA 5.1][BDMV]43.9G

Having not hit the road for most of the 80s, The Steel Wheels Tour was an astounding return for the Rolling Stones, not least as it was the longest they had by that point undertaken. It was also to be their last with Bill Wyman. Steel Wheels Live was recorded towards the end of the band’s 60-date run through the stadiums of North America, in the second half of 1989. Special guest appearances from Axl Rose, Izzy Stradlin, Eric Clapton and John Lee Hooker.


1 Intro
2 Start Me Up
3 Bitch
4 Sad Sad Sad
5 Undercover Of The Night
6 Harlem Shuffle
7 Tumbling Dice
8 Miss You
9 Terrifying
10 Ruby Tuesday
11 Salt Of The Earth
Featuring – Axl Rose, Izzy Stradlin
12 Rock And A Hard Place
13 Mixed Emotions
14 Honky Tonk Women
15 Midnight Rambler
16 You Can’t Always Get What You Want
17 Little Red Rooster
Featuring – Eric Clapton
18 Boogie Chillen
Featuring – Eric Clapton, John Lee Hooker
19 Can’t Be Seen
20 Happy
21 Paint It Black
22 2000 Light Years From Home / She’s A Rainbow
23 Sympathy For The Devil
24 Gimme Shelter
25 It’s Only Rock ‘N’ Roll (But I Like It)
26 Brown Sugar
27 (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
28 Jumpin’ Jack Flash


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][The Rolling Stones – Steel Wheels Live From Atlantic City New Jersey 1989 Blu-ray AVC 1080i DTS-HD MA 5.1][BDMV]43.9G


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