[BD欧美演唱会][U.D.O. – Live in Bulgaria 2020 – Pandemic Survival Show (2021) Blu-Ray][BDMV][22.3G][百度网盘]

AFM Records
Release date: March 19, 2021
Genre: Heavy Metal
For Fans Of: U.D.O., Dirkschneider, Accept, Judas Priest

U.D.O. return with the upcoming 5th live album of the heavy metal legend. The year 2020 faced many with tough challenges, but U.D.O. managed to play a great show under pandemic conditions in front of the breathtaking backdrop of the amphitheater in Plovdiv/Bulgaria, making it not only one of the world’s grandest shows under Corona, but also certainly beyond compare. This is exactly the feeling that the live recording captures: “It is an evening that lets everyone feel for a few hours exactly what only music can convey: to feel like we belong together and be carried away from everyday life and all worries. An evening in which, especially in 2020, it was clear what an important task culture fulfills and what an indescribable gap it leaves behind if it is not allowed to take place. The setlist is more than special: current songs cavort next to unforgotten and rarely performed live rarities together with some Accept classics.

1. Intro
2. Tongue Reaper
3. Make The Move
4. Midnight Mover
5. Wrong Side Of Midnight
6. Metal Machine
7. Independence Day
8. Rose In The Desert
9. Vendetta
10. Rising High
11. Prologue: The Great Unknown
12. In The Darkness
13. I Give As Good As I Get
14. Princess Of The Dawn
15. Timebomb
16. Drum Solo
17. Bass Solo
18. Hungry And Angry
19. One Heart One Soul
20. Man And Machine
21. Animal House
22. They Want War
23. Metal Heart
24. Fast As Shark
25. Balls To The Wall
26. Outro (Stillness Of Time)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][U.D.O. – Live in Bulgaria 2020 – Pandemic Survival Show (2021) Blu-Ray][BDMV][22.3G][百度网盘]


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