[BD欧美演唱会][Status Quo:The Frantic Four’s Final Fling – Live At The Dublin O2 Arena 2014][BDMV]28.6G

英文片名:Status Quo: The Frantic Four’s Final Fling – Live At The Dublin 02 Arena
中文片名:Status Quo演唱会 (2014)
类 型:音乐
地 区:英国
文件大小:28.64 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Status Quo: The Frantic Four’s Final Fling – Live At The Dublin 02 Arena
Release year: 2014
Genre: Rock
Artist: Francis Rossi – guitar, vocals; Rick Parfitt – guitar, vocals; Andy Bown – keyboards, guitar, vocals; John “Rhino” Edwards – bass, vocals; Leon Cave – drums


When the last notes rang out in the Dublin o2 on Saturday on 12 April 2014, the 9000 fans packing the venue knew that they were witness to the end of something special. The reunion that nobody thought would ever be possible did happen, but now it was scratched and that particular book was closed. On August 29th, 2014, the band will commemorate one very special night with the release of ‘The Frantic Four’s Final Fling – Live at The Dublin 02 Arena’ on 2CD, double vinyl, DVD and Blu-ray formats, through earMUSIC / Edel. As well as the full concert, the visual formats will contain a bonus fourteen track CD made of highlights. “The Final Fling?” The Sky News’ Ian Woods entitled ‘The Final Fling?’

When the original line-up of the status quo reunited for a 9-day UK tour in March 2013, the outpouring of approval and raw emotion from the fans was incredible. Public demand made the final tour of 2014. Rossi, Parfitt, Lancaster and Coghlan received a rapturous response; The band clicked straight back into their groove, the chemistry. It all led to Dublin; The final show of the final tour. Ever.

The Frantic Four was high in a career that has been seen. The Times said, “It sounded fantastic. And they, like us, were clearly getting a tremendous kick out of revisiting these long-neglected songs. “Classic Rock said, quite simply,” Fuck me, dreams can come true “! Dublin was a genuine milestone on the incredible road that Quo have travelled, and it’s captured in all its glory here. ‘The Frantic Four’s Final Fling – Live At The Dublin 02 Arena’ – effin ‘fantastic.

01. Junior’s Wailing
02. Backwater
03. Just Take Me
04. Is There A Better Way
05. Blue Eyed Lady
06. In My Chair
07. Little Lady
08. Most Of The Time
09. Rain
10. (April) Spring, Summer and Wednesdays
11. Railroad
12. Oh Baby
13. Forty-Five Hundred Times
14. Gotta Go Home
15. Big Fat Mama
16. Down Down
17. Roadhouse Blues
18. Caroline
19. Bye Bye Johnny

Issued: Germany | Edel Germany GmbH
Duration: 1:35:46


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Status Quo:The Frantic Four’s Final Fling – Live At The Dublin O2 Arena 2014][BDMV]28.6G


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