[BD欧美演唱会][Steve Hackett – Selling England By The Pound & Spectral Mornings Live At Hammersmith 2020][BDMV]35G

Name: Steve Hackett – Selling England By The Pound & Spectral Mornings: Live At Hammersmith
Year: 2020
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Prog Rock
Quality: Blu-Ray, MPEG-2 Video, 1920×1080, NTSC 16:9, VBR, 29.970 fps
Duration: 02:19:20
Total Size:35 Gb
Audio:English, PCM, 48.0 kHz, 2 ch, 1536 kb/s / AC3, 48.0 kHz, 6 ch, 448 kb/s
Production Co: InsideOut Music

In November 2019, at a sold-out show in London’s Hammersmith Apollo, Steve Hackett performed the legendary Genesis album “Selling England by the Pound” in its entirety. Steve and his band also played tracks from “Spectral Mornings” (celebrating its 40th anniversary), “At the Edge of Light” and “A Trick of the Tail”.


1. Intro (1:25)
2. Every Day (6:26)
3. Under the Eye of the Sun (5:27)
4. Fallen Walls and Pedestals (2:16)
5. Beasts in Our Time (6:12)
6. The Virgin and the Gypsy (4:29)
7. Tigermoth (3:15)
8. Spectral Mornings (6:11)
9. The Red Flower of Tai Chi Blooms Everywhere (2:17)
10. Clocks – The Angel of Mons (6:36)
11. Dancing with the Moonlit Knight (7:39)
12. I Know What I Like (9:28)
13. Firth of Fifth (9:52)
14. More Fool Me (3:11)
15. The Battle of Epping Forest (11:34)
16. After the Ordeal (4:48)
17. The Cinema Show (10:23)
18. Aisle of Plenty (1:54)
19. Déja Vu (6:08)
20. Dance on a Volcano (5:46)
21. Los Endos (7:50)

Line-up / Musicians:
Steve Hackett / guitars
Roger King / keyboards
Jonas Reingold / bass
Rob Townsend / saxophones, flutes
Craig Blundell / drums, percussion
Nad Sylvan / vocals
John Hackett / flute
Amanda Lehmann / guitar, vocals


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Steve Hackett – Selling England By The Pound & Spectral Mornings Live At Hammersmith 2020][BDMV]35G


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