[BD欧美演唱会][Dee Snider For The Love Of Metal – Live! 2020 Blu-Ray 1080p][BDMV]11.6G

Year: 2020
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Glam Metal
Quality: BluRay, BDMV, MPEG-4 AVC Video, 1080p, 16:9, 11895 kbps, 23,976 fps
Duration: 01:24:33 + 00:27:39
Total Size: 11.6 Gb
Audio: English, LPCM, 48.0 kHz, 2 ch, 1536 kb/s
Production Co: Napalm Records

For The Love Of Metal Live isn’t your average live performance DVD/Blu-Ray collection – legendary heavy metal frontman, actor and radio personality DEE SNIDER has combined behind-the-scenes footage, interview clips, insightful personal commentary and electrifying live performances to create an entertaining experience that every heavy metal fan needs in their collection! The DVD/Blu-Ray and accompanying live album (available in various formats) features audio captured from several DEE SNIDER festival performances worldwide – from the United States to Europe, Australia and beyond! Featuring tracks from Snider’s solo catalog like “I Am The Hurricane” and “For The Love Of Metal”, Twisted Sister favorites such as “I Wanna Rock” and “We’re Not Gonna Take It”, and even a cover of AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell”, the audio portion also features a brand new original track, “Prove Me Wrong” – a thrashing, confident heavy metal hit that cements the legacy of the bonafide metal icon himself! Select audio editions and the DVD/Blu-Ray also feature additional bonus live material and personal footage, with the DVD/Blu-Ray including even more special bonus interview content. DEE SNIDER fanatics won’t want to miss For The Love Of Metal Live!


1 Lies Are A Business
2 Interview: Pain Of Traveling
3 Tomorrows No Concern
4 You Can’t Stop Rock ‘n’ Roll
5 Interview: New Record
6 The Beast
7 American Made
8 Under The Blade
9 Interview: Song Writing
10 The Kids Are Back
11 Become The Storm
12 We’re Not Gonna Take It
13 Interview: We’re Not Gonna Take It
14 I Am The Hurricane
15 Burn In Hell
16 Interview: Rock Of Ages
17 I Wanna Rock
18 For The Love Of Metal
19 Interview: AC/DC
20 Highway To Hell
21 Credits

Ready To Fall
The Fire Still Burns
Roll Over You
Interview – Suzette, Hearing, Strangeland, lemmy


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Dee Snider For The Love Of Metal – Live! 2020 Blu-Ray 1080p][BDMV]11.6G


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