[BD欧美演唱会][Devin Townsend – Devolution Series #2 – Galactic Quarantine 2021][BDMV]20G

Name: Devin Townsend – Galactic Quarantine (Devolution Series #2)
Year: 2021
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Progressive Metal
Quality: BluRay, BDMV, MPEG-4 AVC Video, 1080p, 16:9, 11895 kbps, 23,976 fps
Duration: 01:22:47
Total Size:320 Gb
Audio:English, LPCM, 48 kHz, 24 bit, 2 ch, 2304 kb/s
Production Co: Inside Out Music

Renowned Canadian rock musician and producer Devin Townsend is releasing his new work “Devolution Series # 2 – Galactic Quarantine” on Blu-ray, which has been recorded in various locations around the world. The recording originally aired on September 5, 2020 on StageIt.com as a replacement show for the “Empath Vol 2 European Tour” (canceled due to the pandemic) and various canceled summer festivals. The show features Devin on vocals and guitars, Samus Paulicelli III on drums, Wes Houch on guitars, and Diego Tegeida on keyboards.


01. Velvet Kevorkian
02. All Hail The New Flesh
03. By Your Command
04. Almost Again
05. Juular
06. March of the Poozers
07. Supercrush!
08. Hyperdrive
09. Stormbending
10. Deadhead
11. Aftermath
12. Love?
13. Spirits Will Collide
14. Kingdom
15. Detox


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Devin Townsend – Devolution Series #2 – Galactic Quarantine 2021][BDMV]20G


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