[BD欧美演唱会][保罗·罗杰斯 Paul Rodgers Live in Glasgow 2006 Blu-Ray 1080i][BDMV][22.9G][百度网盘]

Name: Paul Rodgers – Live In Glasgow
Year: 2007
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Rock
Quality: Blu-Ray, MPEG2, 1920×1080
Duration: 135 min
Total Size:22.9 Gb

Audio:English, AC3, 48.0 KHz, 2ch, 256 kb/s / AC3, 48.0 KHz, 6ch, 448 kb/s / DTS, 48.0 KHz, 6ch, 1510 kb/s
Paul Rodgers’ passion is writing and performing music. He founded and led three bands: Free, Bad Company & The Firm to worldwide success, and now enjoys a critically acclaimed solo career. The possessor of one of the great rock voices, he is also a powerful songwriter and an accomplished instrumentalist. From a man who prefers to keep a low profile, his long-awaited debut solo DVD “Live in Glasgow” captures new songs alongside his many hits, including some that he has not performed in thirty-five years, this DVD showcases his supreme talent as a soulful, live rock performer.


01. I’ll Be Creepin’
02. The Stealer
03. Ride On A Pony
04. Radioactive
05. Be My Friend
06. Warboys
07. Feel Like Makin’ Love
08. Bad Company
09. (I Just Wanna) See You Smile
10. Louisiana Blues
11. Fire And Water
12. Wishing Well
13. All Right Now
14. I’m A Mover
15. The Hunter
16. Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love
17. Seagull


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][保罗·罗杰斯 Paul Rodgers Live in Glasgow 2006 Blu-Ray 1080i][BDMV][22.9G][百度网盘]


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