[BD欧美演唱会][RPWL – Live From Outer Space 2019 Blu-Ray 1080p][BDMV]23.1G

Name: RPWL – Live From Outer Space
Year: 2019
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Prog Rock
Quality: Blu-Ray, MPEG2, 1920×1080, NTSC 16:9, VBR, 23.976 fps
Duration: 01:38:13 + 00:04:19 + 00:08:12 + 00:06:38
Total Size:23.1 Gb
Audio:English, AC3, 48.0 KHz, 2ch, 192 kb/s / AC3, 48.0 KHz, 6ch, 384 kb/s/ DTS, 48.0 KHz, 6ch, 755 kb/s

Superb live recording from the tour in support of their latest studio album ‘Tales From Outer Space’
Live From Outer Space’ is recorded at all prog fans’ favourite venue in Europe – De Boerderij in Zoetermeer, Netherlands, where every progressive/art rock band worth their salt plays at some point in their careers.

“Tales From Outer Space”, the tenth studio album by RPWL, the subtle art rockers from Freising, entered various charts, reached a remarkable 49th place in the German album charts and successfully put science fiction at the centre of seven great songs. This was followed by a fantastic tour in April 2019 from Glasgow via Warsaw to Basel, France and Germany with many full and sold out houses. But most important for the band was the enthusiastic feedback from the fans, who unanimously spoke of the “best RPWL tour ever”. So the decision matured to release a seventh live album after ten studio albums and six live albums with “Live From Outer Space”. It will be released on November 15, 2019 on CD, vinyl (each as double set) as well as on Blue-ray and DVD. Another reason: “At RPWL the live versions are often different than in the studio, many parts are much more extensive, often jammed live”, explains guitarist Kalle Wallner. This tour was documented by “Live From Outer Space”, a live album that is recommended to art rock and sci-fi fans alike!


01. News From Outer Space
02. A New World
03. Welcome To The Freak Show
04. Light Of The World
05. Not Our Place To Be
06. What I Really Need
07. Give Birth To The Sun
08. Far Away From Home
09. Hole In The Sky
10. Sleep
11. Masters Of War
12. Trying To Kiss The Sun
13. Roses

A New World (Video)
What I Really Need (Video)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][RPWL – Live From Outer Space 2019 Blu-Ray 1080p][BDMV]23.1G


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