[BD欧美演唱会][范·海伦 Van Halen 2015-08-29 Bristow blu-ray][BDMV]23.04GB

Van Halen
Jiffy Lube Live
Bristow, VA
Aug 29, 2015

(Silver Stallion – guitard on Dime) Sony HX50V 1080×1920, NTSC, 16:9, 59.940 fps, full HD
(nvda5150) Canon HF Vixia M500 1080×1920, NTSC, 16:9, 29.970 fps, full HD; encoded as 16:9 PAR, NTSC; encoded to m2v HD file in Sony Vegas Video Pro 13 at 30K max, 25K avg, and 20K min

audio: (Kubacheck) mbho603a/ka500 > Naiant Adaptor cables > Naiant Tinybox > Edirol R05 (about 20 rows back DFC); 1536 bit LPCM; converted to 16 bit, 48 Khz in Sony Vegas Video Pro 13 for DVD compliance.

video mixing, audio synching and blu-ray authoring by Silver Stallion (guitard on Dime).

running time: 1hr 58 mins (full show)

1. Light Up The Sky
2. Runnin’ With The Devil
3. Romeo Delight
4. Everybody Wants Some!!
5. Drop Dead Legs
6. Feel Your Love Tonight
7. Somebody Get Me A Doctor
8. She’s The Woman
9. China Town
10. I’ll Wait
11. Al’s drum solo
12. Little Guitars
13. Dance The Night Away
14. Beautiful Girls
15. Women In Love
16. Hot For Teacher
17. In A Simple Rhyme
18. Dirty Movies
19. Ice Cream Man
20. Unchained
21. Ain’t Talkin’ ‘Bout Love
22. Ed’s guitar solo
23. You Really Got Me
24. Panama
25. Jump


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][范·海伦 Van Halen 2015-08-29 Bristow blu-ray][BDMV]23.04GB


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