[BD欧美演唱会][蓝色的牡蛎崇拜 Blue Oyster Cult – iHeart Radio Theater N.Y.C. 2012 (2020)][BDMV]17.3G

Name: Blue Oyster Cult – iHeart Radio Theater N.Y.C. 2012
Year: 2020
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Hard Rock
Quality: BluRay, BDMV, MPEG-2 Video, 1080p, 16:9, 29965 kbps, 23.976 fps
Duration: 01:02:29 + 00:05:28
Total Size:18,2 Gb
Audio:English, AC3, 48.0 kHz, 6 ch, 448 kb/s / PCM, 48.0 kHz, 24 bit, 2 ch, 2304 kb/s

Blue Öyster Cult’s performance at iHeartRadio Theater in New York City took place on December 17, 2012 in an intimate setting for a lucky audience of 200 fans. This special show was arranged in celebration of the band’s 40th Anniversary and the release of a then new boxset, “The Columbia Albums Collection”.

Recorded by an army of cameramen for a special webcast, the performance is now being commercially released on CD/DVD, Blu-Ray, and Vinyl.

BÖC’s original core duo of vocalist and lead guitarist Donald “Buck Dharma” Roeser and vocalist and rhythm guitarist Eric Bloom are joined by Richie Castellano on guitar and keyboards and the rhythm section of bassist Kasim Sulton and drummer Jules Radino.


1. Intro
2. R.U. Ready To Rock
3. The Golden Age Of Leather
4. Burnin’ For You
5. Shooting Shark
6. Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll
7. Career Of Evil
8. The Vigil
9. Black Blade
10. Godzilla
11. (Don’t Fear) The Reaper
12. Credits
13. Bonus Feature – Interview

Eric Bloom – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Donald “Buck Dharma” Roeser – Guitar, Vocals
Richie Castellano – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Kasim Sulton – Bass, Vocals
Jules Radino – Drums, Percussion


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][蓝色的牡蛎崇拜 Blue Oyster Cult – iHeart Radio Theater N.Y.C. 2012 (2020)][BDMV]17.3G


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