[BD欧美演唱会][Marillion Script for a Jester s Tear 1983 (Deluxe Edition) 2020][BDMV]39.1G

Originally released in March 1983, Script for a Jester’s Tear was certified platinum in the band’s native U.K. where it reached number seven on the Albums Chart and spawned two Top 40 singles: “He Knows You Know” (#35) and “Garden Party” (#16).

This Deluxe, 4CD/1 Blu-ray Edition opens with a newly remixed stereo version of Script for a Jester’s Tear by Andy Bradfield and Avril Mackintosh. In addition, the collection also features new stereo remixes for the b-side “Charting The Single” that was released in January 1982, as well as the Market Square Heroes EP that followed in October that same year.

The Blu-ray features 96k/24-bit versions of the new stereo remixes for Script for a Jester’s Tear and the Market Square Heroes EP, as well as the Live at the Marquee Club concert. The disc also includes a 5.1 Surround Remix of Script for a Jester’s Tear. Rounding out the collection is a new documentary with band interviews that covers the 1979 formation of Marillion in Aylesbury through the release of Script for a Jester’s Tear in 1983.

Disc Five: Blu-ray
Documentary: “Sackcloth and Greasepaint – The Story of Script For A Jester’s Tear”
Script For A Jesters Tear – 2020 Stereo Remix (96k 24 bit)
Script For A Jester’s Tear (5.1 Surround Remix)
Market Square Heroes EP – 2020 Stereo Remix (96k 24 bit)
Live at the Marquee Club, London (12/29/82) – 2020 Stereo Remix (96k 24 bit)


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Marillion Script for a Jester s Tear 1983 (Deluxe Edition) 2020][BDMV]39.1G


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