[BD欧美演唱会][Midnight Oil:Armistice Day – Live At The Domain, Sydney 2018][BDMV]23.1G

英文片名:Midnight Oil: Armistice Day – Live at the Domain, Sydney
中文片名:演唱会 (2018)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:23.10 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

In February 2017, Midnight Oil took to Sydney Harbour and announced The Great Circle World Tour. The Circle would begin where the band started out, in Sydney’s pubs, then circumnavigate the globe. It was to be their first tour in over 15 years.

Over the next six months, Midnight Oil played in 16 countries, across five continents, speaking out for a healthy planet, and social justice along the way. Eventually, they returned to circle around Australia, the land that shaped the Oils and their music.


1 Intro
2 Armistice Day
3 Reveille
4 Redneck Wonderland
5 Read About It
6 Lucky Country
7 Warakurna
8 Hercules
9 Truganini
10 Section Five (Bus To Bondi)
11 Stand In Line
12 Short Memory
13 Treaty
14 US Forces
15 Kosciuszko
16 The Dead Heart
17 Beds Are Burning
18 Don’t Wanna Be The One
19 King Of The Mountain
20 Wedding Cake Island
21 Power And the Passion
22 Forgotten Years
23 Best Of Both Worlds
24 Only The Strong
25 No Time For Games

Peter Garrett – Lead Vocals
Rob Hirst – Drums/Vocals
Jim Moginie – Guitar/Keyboards/Vocals
Martin Rotsey – Guitar
Bones Hillman – Bass/Vocals
Jack Howard – Horns/Keyboards/Backing Vocals
Yirrmal – Guest Vocals On ‘Treaty’
Charlie McMahon – Didgeridoo On ‘Treaty’ & ‘The Dead Heart’
Jeremy Smith – French Horn
Michael Waters – Trombone


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Midnight Oil:Armistice Day – Live At The Domain, Sydney 2018][BDMV]23.1G


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