[BD欧美演唱会][Motоrhead – The World Is Ours – Vol 1 (Everywhere Further Than Everyplace Else) 2011][BDMV]35.4G

In celebration of their 35 years on the road Motörhead is proud to present The Wörld Is Ours Vol 1 – Everything Further Than Everyplace Else, a blistering DVD containing some of the finest moments from the tour, including the entire performance from Chile’s Teatro Caupolican, shot by Banger Films and Sam Dunn (Iron Maiden Flight 666, Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage). Mixed by the band’s long-time producer Cameron Webb, The Wörld Is Ours Vol 1 is stuffed with the classics Motörfans demand, from ‘Overkill’ to ‘Ace Of Spades’ to ‘Killed By Death’ as well as some old gems like ‘Over The Top’ and new favorites such as ‘I Know How To Die.’ The Wörld Is Ours Vol 1 gives you every click from every pick and kick from the band’s supreme performance in Chile, plus some tasty morsels from New York’s Best Buy Theater and the Manchester Apollo. The Wörld Is Ours Vol 1 is a pure testament to the power, glory and sheer voltage of the finest rock’n’roll played by real legends. Accept NO substitute!


The Wörld Is Ours… Teatro Caupolican, Santiago, Chile, Apr 9th, 2011
1 Iron Fist
2 Stay Clean
3 Get Back In Line
4 Metropolis
5 Over The Top
6 One Night Stand
7 Rock Out
8 The Thousand Names Of God
9 I Got Mine
10 I Know How To Die
11 The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
12 In The Name Of Tragedy
13 Just ‘Cos You Got The Power
14 Going To Brazil
15 Killed By Death
16 Ace Of Spades
17 Overkill
Best Buy Theater, New York, USA, Feb 28th, 2011
18 Rock Out
19 The Thousand Names Of God
20 Killed By Death
Featuring – Doro*, Todd Youth
Manchester Apollo, Manchester, UK, Nov 16th, 2010
21 We Are Motörhead
22 Stay Clean
23 Be My Baby
24 Get Back In Line
25 I Know How To Die
26 Born To Raise Hell
Featuring – Michael Monroe
Bonus Features (Interviews)
27 Santiago
28 Manchester
29 Atlantic City
Bonus Features (Music Videos)
30 Get Back In Line
31 I Know How To Die
32 The Wörld Is Ours


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Motоrhead – The World Is Ours – Vol 1 (Everywhere Further Than Everyplace Else) 2011][BDMV]35.4G


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