[BD欧美演唱会][Motorhead – The World Is Ours – Vol 2 (Anyplace Crazy As Anywhere Else) 2012][BDMV]28.9G

Motorhead – The World Is Ours – Vol 2 (Anyplace Crazy As Anywhere Else) 2012《BDMV 28.9G》
Blu-Ray 2021-08-21 BD欧美演唱会 1.97k 8 推广

The band’s headliner performance at the Wacken Open Air festival in 2011, as well as the best moments from concerts at the Sonisphere festival (in England) and Rock In Rio (Brazil).


Wacken Open Air Festival Germany, August 6th 2011
1 Iron Fist
2 Stay Clean
3 Get Back In Line
4 Metropolis
5 Over The Top
6 One Night Stand
7 Rock Out
8 Ten Thousand Names Of God
9 I Know How To Die
10 The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
11 In The Name Of Tragedy
12 Just ‘Cos You Got The Power
13 Going To Brazil
14 Killed By Death
15 Bomber
16 Ace Of Spades
17 Overkill
Sonisphere Festival UK, July 10th 2011
1 Iron Fist
2 I Know How To Die
3 In The Name Of Tragedy
4 Killed By Death
5 Ace Of Spades
6 Overkill
Rock In Rio,Brazil, September 25th 2011
1 Stay Clean
2 Over The Top
3 The Chase Is Better Than The Catch
4 Going To Brazil
5 Killed By Death
Bonus Feature:
1 Festival Impressions W:O:A


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Motorhead – The World Is Ours – Vol 2 (Anyplace Crazy As Anywhere Else) 2012][BDMV]28.9G


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