[BD欧美演唱会][Subway To Sally – Eisheilige Nacht Back To Lindenpark 2021 Blu-ray AVC 1080i LPCM 2.0][BDMV]44G

Label: Napalm Records
Country: Germany
Genre: Folk Metal,Medieval metal
Quality: Blu-ray 1080i
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 20911 kbps / 1080i / 25 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Time: 02:09:52+01:36:50
Full Size: 44.07 GB

Chart-breaking German folk rock institution SUBWAY TO SALLY have carved a unique live experience in stone with their release, “Eisheilige Nacht: Back to Lindenpark”, on BluRay/DVD/CD on June 18, 2021 via Napalm Records.

Since their foundation in the early 90s, SUBWAY TO SALLY have established themselves at the top of the scene. Having released thirteen studio records so far, the seven-piece featuring the remarkable Eric Fish on vocal duties never fails in surprising their devotees with an ingenious symbiosis of folk, heavy metal and rock. In the course of time, it became a tradition to celebrate every year with numerous fans and a final live show on December 30. What started as “Eisheilige Nacht” – with sold out solo-gigs in the bands hometown of Potsdam at the venue Lindenpark – turned into a whole annual festival tour shortly after, where top-notch bands heeded the call to join SUBWAY TO SALLY for some magical evenings. Due to the pandemic, 2020s edition couldnt take place in its usual form. As a result, the German folk rock unit decided to offer an unforgettable lockdown live event which they hope will be a unique way to fill the gap until they return to the stage. SUBWAY TO SALLY returned to Lindenpark and – supported by many great artists like Chris Harms (Lord Of The Lost), Joachim Witt, Feuerschwanz, Schandmaul, Saltatio Mortis, Major Voice and Patty Gurdy – created an extraordinary live experience. In an intimate setting, the recording starts with “Messias” and “Konigin der Kafer” from the bands latest chart-breaking full-length, Hey! (DE #5). SUBWAY TO SALLY then continue to not only travel through their own discography with songs like eerie “Unsterblich”, animated “Tanz auf dem Vulkan” and live-sensation “Grausame Schwester”, but also present a bunch of enchanting features as well: Dont miss when highly talented Birgit Muggenthaler-Schmack and Saskia Forkert (Schandmaul) join SUBWAY TO SALLY for Schandmauls “Dein Anblick” and a premier version of “Kleid aus Rosen”, or when the band sets the exceptional stage on fire for an explosive performance with Saltatio Mortis on their hit “Sie Tanzt allein” – just to name a selection. In times of social distancing and restrictions, SUBWAY TO SALLY have conjured an unforgettable event and proven their outstanding position on top of the genre once more!

1 Intro
2 Messias
3 Konigin Der Kafer
4 Unsterblich
5 Imperator ….
6 Dein Anblick
7 Kleid aus Rosen
8 Das Elfte Gebot
9 Sieben
10 Kalte Winde
11 Minne
12 Henkersbraut
13 Falscher Heiland
14 Tanz auf dem Vulkan
15 Drag me to hell
16 Island
17 Kein Meer zu tief
18 Arme Ellen Schmitt
19 Eisblumen
20 Robert Steinhauser
21 IX
22 Veitstantz
23 Grausame Schwester
24 Alles was das Herz will
25 Aufgewacht
26 Ausgetraumt
27 Outro
28 Julia und die Rauber


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Subway To Sally – Eisheilige Nacht Back To Lindenpark 2021 Blu-ray AVC 1080i LPCM 2.0][BDMV]44G


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