[BD欧美演唱会][Circus Maximus:Havoc in Oslo (Deluxe Edition) 2017][BDMV]30.8G

Circus Maximus – Havoc In Oslo (2017)
Blu-ray: MPEG-2 Video, 29979 kbps, 1080i, 29,970 fps
LPCM 1536 kbps, 2.0, 48 kHz / DD Audio 448 kbps, 5.1, 48 kHz
Power Metal / Progressive Metal | ~ 31.78 Gb

On February 6th, 2016, Norwegian prog metallers, Circus Maximus celebrated the release of their fourth studio album, ‘Havoc’ with a sold out show at the Rockefeller Club in Oslo, with a stunning live production that involved pyro, sparks (literally), and a massive light rig.
The band wanted to make this show one of the most memorable performances in Circus Maximus history and then to share this night with the world. So, it was decided to capture the entire night with multiple high definition cameras for a release on both Blu-Ray and DVD as well as an audio component.
Ever since the band released “Live In Japan” via YouTube, they have been eager to make a proper live release in a physical format. “Havoc in Oslo” is a powerful statement from a band at the top of their game!
Circus Maximus – Havoc In Oslo (2017):


1. Forging
2. Namaste
3. The One
4. The Weight
5. Highest Bitter
6. Architect Of Fortune
7. Arrival Of Love
8. Loved Ones
9. Sin
10. Havoc
11. Pages
12. Abyss
13. I Am
14. Chivalry
15. Game Of Life

Road to Rockefeller
Music Video “Remember”
Making of “Remember”


Michael Eriksen – Vocals
Mats Haugen – Guitars
Glen Mollen – Bass
Lasse Finbraten – Keyboards
Truls Haugen – Drums


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Circus Maximus:Havoc in Oslo (Deluxe Edition) 2017][BDMV]30.8G


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