[BD欧美演唱会][Europe – The Final Countdown 30th Anniversary Show 2017 1080i AVC LPCM 2.0][BDMV]21G

Name: Europe – The Final Countdown: 30th Anniversary Show, Live At The Roundhouse
Year: 2017
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Hard Rock
Quality: BluRay, BDMV, AVC, 1080i, 16:9, 24973 kbps, 29.970 fps
Duration: 01:43:25
Total Size:21 Gb
Audio:English, LPCM, 48.0 KHz, 2ch, 1536 kb/s / AC3, 48.0 KHz, 6ch, 448 kb/s

The Final Countdown 30th Anniversary Show – Live at the Roundhouse celebrates the multi-platinum album’s triple decade success. The band played the album in its sequential entirety at a series of selected cities in 2016, with London’s most historically venerated venue playing host to an exceptionally special night on November 12th 2016, which was captured by Patric Ullaeus from rEvolver Film Company AB. Preceding the landmark event, fans were also treated to a live performance of Europe’s latest album War of Kings, a release which re-established Europe as one of the top classic rock bands in the world.


01. Hole In My Pocket
02. The Second Day
03. Praise You
04. Nothin To Ya
05. California 405
06. Angels (With Broken Hearts)
07. Days Of Rock ‘N’ Roll
08. Children Of The Mind
09. Rainbow Bridge
10. Vastastan
11. Light It Up
12. War Of Kings
13. The Final Countdown
14. Rock The Night
15. Carrie
16. Danger On The Track
17. Ninja
18. Cherokee
19. Time Has Come
20. Heart Of Stone
21. On The Loose
22. Love Chaser
23. The Final Countdown (Reprise)


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