[BD欧美演唱会][Riot V – Live in Japan 2018 Blu-Ray 1080i][BDMV]30G

Name: Riot V – Live In Japan 2018
Year: 2019
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Heavy Metal
Quality: Blu-Ray, AVC, 192×1080, 16:9, 5 700 kb/s, 29.970 fps
Duration: 01:59:03
Total Size:30 Gb
Audio:English, PCM, 48.0 KHz, 2ch, 1536 kb/s

AFM Records is proud to bring this live concert to the screen (and stereo) of heavy metal fans around the world. Riot (now named Riot V) have been a household name in the scene for over four decades and without a doubt left their mark, inspired countless emerging bands and artists worldwide and are still hungry for more. Don’t miss the infectious live atmosphere and relive some of the bands most iconic songs throughout their career. Riot is an American hard rock / heavy metal band formed by guitarist Mark Reale in 1975. The debut album “Rock City” was released in 1979 and mainly appreciated in the UK where NWOBHM was bursting out back then. Japan was another country, which welcomed this album with open arms. “Warrior” was released as a 7″EP in Japan and the song has been Japan’s heavy metal fans’ favorite for 40 years now. The relationships between Riot and Japan were reinforced on their second album “Narita”, whose title was named after the story of people’s struggle against the government over the construction of New Tokyo International Airport at Narita.


01 – Armor Of Light
02 – Ride Hard Live Free
03 – On Your Knees
04 – Metal Soldiers
05 – Fall From The Sky
06 – Wings Are For Angels
07 – Land Of The Rising Sun
08 – Take Me Back
09 – Messiah
10 – Angel Eyes
11 – Metal Warrior
12 – Thundersteel
13 – Fight Or Fall
14 – Sign Of The Crimson Storm
15 – Flight Of The Warrior
16 – On Wings Of Eagles
17 – Johnny’s Back
18 – Bloodstreets
19 – Run For Your Life
20 – Buried Alive
21 – Road Racin’
22 – Swords And Tequila
23 – Warrior


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Riot V – Live in Japan 2018 Blu-Ray 1080i][BDMV]30G


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