[BD欧美演唱会][The Moody Blues – Days of Future Passed Live 2018][BDMV]34.9G

Name: The Moody Blues – Days of Future Passed Live
Year: 2018
Genre: Music Videos, Concerts, Rock, Art Rock, Prog Rock
Quality: Blu-Ray AVC 1920×1080, 16:9 8 000 Kbps 23.976 fps
Duration: 01:54:20
Total Size:34.9 Gb
Audio:English DTS 48.0 KHz 6ch 1510 kb/s / Flac 48.0 KHz 2ch 1028 kb/s

The Moody Blues classic 1967 album Days Of Future Passed is regarded as one of the foundation stones of the progressive rock genre. In 2017, the band headed out on the album’s 50th Anniversary Tour including the wonderful show captured at the Sony Centre For The Performing Arts in Toronto accompanied by a full orchestra. The concert begins with the band by themselves performing a selection of classic Moody Blues tracks before they are joined by the orchestra to perform Days Of Future Passed in its entirety plus a couple of fantastic encore tracks. This is without doubt the definitive live version of this much loved album and will be treasured by fans of The Moody Blues for years to come.


Part One The Moody Blues In Concert
1. I’m Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)
2. The Voice
3. Steppin’ In A Slide Zone
4. Say It With Love
5. Nervous
6. Your Wildest Dreams
7. Isn’t Life Strange
8. I Know You’re Out There Somewhere
9. The Story In Your Eyes
Part Two Days Of Future Passed Live
10. The Day Begins
11. Morning Glory
12. Dawn (Prelude)
13. Dawn Is A Feeling
14. The Morning (Prelude)
15. Another Morning
16. Lunch Break (Prelude)
17. Peak Hour
18. Tuesday Afternoon (Forever Afternoon)
19. Evening (Time To Get Away)
20. The Sun Set (Prelude)
21. The Sun Set
22. Twilight (Prelude)
23. Twilight Time
24. Late Lament
25. Nights In White Satin
26. The Night (Finale)
27. Question
28. Ride My See-Saw


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][The Moody Blues – Days of Future Passed Live 2018][BDMV]34.9G


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