[BD欧美演唱会][Miley Cyrus 麦粒 – Bangerz Tour 2014][BDMV]20.6G

Miley Cyrus 麦粒 – Bangerz Tour 2014《BDMV 20.6G》
Blu-Ray 2020-07-05 BD欧美演唱会 4.05k 11 推广
影片名称 : Miley Cyrus – Bangerz Tour 2014
文件体积 : 20.6G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 LPCM 2.0

Miley Cyrus, took the world by storm as she brought her Bangerz Tour to fans across the world. The highly anticipated Blu-ray features show stopping performances from tour stops in Barcelona and Lisbon, along with behind-the-scenes look into the tour and her personal life. Miley gives larger than life performances of SMS (Bangerz) , 4×4, Love Money Party, FU and Get It Right. Bangerz Tour also includes countrified covers of Hey Ya! by Outkast and Jolene by Dolly Parton, as well as, party anthems We Can’t Stop and Party in the USA.

Тracklist :

01. SMS (Bangerz)
02. 4×4
03. Love money party
04. Maybe you’re right
05. Fu
06. Do my thang
07. #Getitright
08. Can’t be tamed
09. Adore you
10. Lucy in the sky widh diamonds
11. Drive
12. Rooting for my baby
13. Hey ya!
14. Jolene
15. On my own
16. Someone else
17. We can’t stop
18. Wrecking ball
19. Party in the U.S.A.


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Miley Cyrus 麦粒 – Bangerz Tour 2014][BDMV]20.6G


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