[BD欧美演唱会][Britney Spears 布兰妮 – Apple Music Festival 苹果音乐节 2017][BDMV]17.6G

影片名称 : Britney Spears – Apple Music Festival 2017
文件体积 : 17.6G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 LPCM 2.0


This is an unofficial release of Britney’ s 2016 Apple Music Festival show where she performed a scaled down version of her sold-out Vegas residency show entitled Piece of Me It’ s one of Britney’ s best recent concerts as she is energetic, engaged and genuinely excited to be performing in Camden’ s iconic Roundhouse venue. The quality is HD but of course given that it is unofficial it’ s not perfect and not on par with major studio BR releases. Still the colours are vibrant and crisp and the sound is also great. No extras but worth it for a great 90-minute Britney Spears show.

Tracklist :

01 Work Bitch
02 Womanizer
03 Break the Ice
04 Piece Of Me
05 …Baby One More Time
06 Oops!… I Did It Again
07 Radar (Interlude)
08 Me Against the Music
09 Gimme More
10 Scream and Shout (Interlude)
11 Boys
12 Do You Wanna Come Over?
13 Dance Intro
14 I’m a Slave 4 U
15 Make Me…
16 Freakshow
17 Do Somethin’
18 Circus
19 If U Seek Amy
20 Breathe on Me
21 Touch of My Hand
22 Toxic
23 Stronger
24 (You Drive Me) Crazy
25 Till the World Ends


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Britney Spears 布兰妮 – Apple Music Festival 苹果音乐节 2017][BDMV]17.6G


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