[BD欧美演唱会][布莱恩·费瑞 – 法国里昂演唱会 Bryan Ferry – Live in Lyon.2011][BDMV]36.4G

英文片名 :Bryan Ferry – Live in Lyon.2011
中文片名 :布莱恩·费瑞 – 法国里昂演唱会 2011
类 型 :音乐
地 区 :美国
文件大小 :36.4G, 蓝光原盘 1080i
文件格式 :BDMV
音 轨 : DTS-HD Master Audio , LPCM
字 幕 :无字幕


Bryan Ferry (布莱恩费瑞)…一个似乎很遥远又陌生的名字,他是前华丽摇滚乐团Glam Rock的始祖乐团Roxy Music的主唱。横跨70、80年代慷ryan,以其翩翩绅士气质与深情嗓音,随著Roxy Music的窜红,开始著手进行个人演唱生涯的录制工作。单飞初期,Bryan Ferry以翻唱其他歌手的著名曲目为主,接下来他开始拓展歌曲范围与树立个人风格,於是步上了创作歌手之路。

From his earliest recordings with Roxy Music at the beginning of the 1970s, Bryan Ferry has taken his place as one of the most iconic and innovative musicians and songwriters to emerge in popular music. Ferry’s Olympia tour travelled the world in 2011 , including this spectacular performance filmed on July 25 at the ancient Roman amphitheater in Lyon, France as part of the Nuits de Fourviere Festival. The show features tracks from across Ferry’s 40 year career including classic Roxy Music songs, solo hits and his renowned interpretations of other writer’s material all delivered with the style and panache that is uniquely Bryan Ferry. The Live in Lyon Blu-Ray / CD deluxe configuration is accompanied by a 72 page hardback edition with embossed front cover.

◎曲 目:

01. I Put a Spell On You
02. Slave to Love
03. Don’t Stop the Dance
04. Just Like Tom Thumb’s Blues
05. If There is Something
06. Make You Feel My Love
07. You Can Dance
08. Alphaville
09. Reason or Rhyme
10 . Oh Yeah!
11. Like a Hurricane
12. Tara
13. Bitter-Sweet
14. Avalon
15. My Only Love
16. What Goes On
17. Sign of the Times
18. Love is the Drug
19. All Along the Watchtower
20. Let’s Stick Together
21. Hold On I’m Coming
22. Jealous Guy


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][布莱恩·费瑞 – 法国里昂演唱会 Bryan Ferry – Live in Lyon.2011][BDMV]36.4G


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