[BD欧美演唱会][肖邦:第一第二钢琴协奏曲. Chopin Piano Concertos Warsaw. 2010][BDMV]21.1G

英文片名 :Chopin Piano Concertos Warsaw. 2010
中文片名 :肖邦:第一第二钢琴协奏曲
类 型 :音乐
地 区 :美国
文件大小 :21.1G, 蓝光原盘 1080i
文件格式 :BDMV
音 轨 : DTS-HD Master Audio , LPCM
字 幕 :无字幕


To mark the bicentenary of Chopin’s birth, two leading Russian pianists tackle the great Romantic composer’s two piano concertos: Evgeny Kissin plays the F minor Concerto op. 21, a key work in Chopin’s output, while Nikolai Demidenko performs the E minor Concerto op. 11, a virtuoso display vehicle of the first rank. They are accompanied by the Warsaw Philharmonic under the direction of Antoni Wit. Enthusiastically acclaimed by the audience at Warsaw’s Philharmonic Hall on 27 February 2010, this memorable concert has been captured in first-class sound and picture quality.

“Anyone who (like me) has found themselves resistant to Kissin’s toy-soldier showmanship…needs to hear his brilliant account of the Concerto in F minor…In pianism of bel canto beauty, Kissin uncovers all the yearning of the slow movement, and delivers a crisp finale notable for its elastic buoyancy and perfectly judged rubatos” BBC Music Magazine, January 2011 *****

◎曲 目:

Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11. Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17 No. 4. (Nikolai Demidenko)

Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21. Etude in C minor, Op. 10 No. 12. Waltz in E minor, Op. Posth.

Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Antoni Wit

Production: US | Accentus

Runtime: 01:31:55


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][肖邦:第一第二钢琴协奏曲. Chopin Piano Concertos Warsaw. 2010][BDMV]21.1G


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