[BD欧美演唱会][Hugh Laurie – Live on the Queen Mary 2013][BDMV]26.1G

影片名称 : Hugh Laurie: Live on the Queen Mary
文件体积 : 26.1G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0

On March 26th of this year a dream came true for Hugh Laurie when he took to the stage in the magnificent Art Deco surroundings of the famous liner Queen Mary, now moored permanently at Long Beach, California. The show combines tracks from both of his hugely successful blues albums, ‘Let Them Talk’ from 2011 (UK # 2 ) and the recently released Didn’t It Rain (UK # 3 ), along with other musical gems. Hugh Laurie leads on vocals, piano and guitar and is supported by the Copper Bottom Blues Band, a fantastic group of musicians and singers. His engaging personality and skillful playing make for a perfect evening of sublime blues in a wonderfully intimate setting.

Tracklist :

01. Hamp’s Hump
02. Junco Partner
03. Evenin
04. Kiss of Fire
05. Staggerlee
06. Day and Night
07. The Weed Smoker’s Dream
08. Didn’t It Rain
09. Winin ‘Boy Blues
10. Louisiana Blues
11. Send Me to the’ Lectric Chair
12. Wild Honey
13. Careless Love
14. Swanee River
15. I Hate a Man Like You
16. Tipitina
17. Go the the Mardi Gras
18. Changes


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Hugh Laurie – Live on the Queen Mary 2013][BDMV]26.1G


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