[BD欧美演唱会][纯红乐队 Cuba! 哈瓦那演唱会现场. Simply Red Cuba! Recorded Live at El Gran Teatro][BDMV]20.7G

英文片名:纯红乐队 Cuba! 哈瓦那演唱会现场
中文片名:Simply Red Cuba! Recorded Live at El Gran Teatro
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:20.7G, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:DTS-HD Master Audio
字 幕:无中文字幕

On Blu-Ray for the first time, this package also includes the concert on a worldwide format DVD and on 2 CD’s. In 2005, Mick Hucknall and Simply Red travelled to Cuba to film a very special concert in the old colonial El Gran Teatro in Havana. In a beautifully shot film, they perform classics old and new with native Cuban players and a string section, before sharing the stage in carnival fashion with classically-trained but newly-liberated exuberant dancers for the final numbers. Extras on the DVD also include a 10 minute behind-the-scenes documentary, plus a photo gallery and a promo video.

◎曲 目:
01. A Song For You
02. Your Mirror
03. Stars
04. For Your Babies
05. So Beautiful
06. Smile
07. Home
08. Sad Old Red
09. Holding Back The Years
10. It’s Only Love
11. More
12. Love Fire
13. Sunrise
14. The Right Thing
15. Come To My Aid
16. Perfect Love
17. Fairground
18. Something Got Me Started
19. If You Do not Know Me By Now


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][纯红乐队 Cuba! 哈瓦那演唱会现场. Simply Red Cuba! Recorded Live at El Gran Teatro][BDMV]20.7G


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