[BD欧美演唱会][Doro Strong and Proud – 30 Years of Rock and Metal 2016 Disc 2][BDMV]42.4G

Title: Doro – Strong and Proud – 30 Years of Rock and Metal
Release Date: 2016
Genre: Documentary, Rock, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Artist: Doro Pesch – vocals; Nick Douglas – bass, keyboards, backing vocals; Johnny Dee – drums, percussion, backing vocals; Bas Maas – guitars, backing vocals; Luca Princiotta – guitar, keyboards, backing vocals; feat. Chris Boltendahl, Phil Campbell, Corvus Corax, Eric Fish, Joakim Brodén, Blaze Bayley, Udo Dirkschneider, Lordi, Sabina Classen, Hansi Kürsch, Biff Byford…

01. Behind The Curtain, Inside The Heart Of Doro (Documentary)
• 30 Years Anniversary Show – Classic Night
02. Celebrate
03. Burn It Up
04. Breaking The Law
05. All We Are
06. Metal Racer
• 30 Years Anniversary Show – Rock Night
07. True As Steel
08. Evil
09. Egypt (The Chains Are On) (feat. Chris Caffery)
10. Revenge
11. Hellbound
12. You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ (feat. Biff Byford)
13. Fight
14. Drum Solo
15. Ich Will Alles (feat. Andy Brings)
16. Metal Tango
17. Unholy Love
• 30 Years Anniversary Show – Wacken Open Air
18. Metal Tango (feat. Eric Fish & Frau Schmitt)
19. Drum Solo
20. Für Immer (feat. Uli Jon Roth)
• Rock Hard Festival 2015
21. Hellbound
22. Für Immer
• Russia Tour 2015
23. Touch Of Evil
24. I Rule The Ruins


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Doro Strong and Proud – 30 Years of Rock and Metal 2016 Disc 2][BDMV]42.4G


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