[BD欧美演唱会][酷玩乐队 Coldplay 2012演唱会]BDMV 32.7G

音频格式1:LPCM / 2声道 / 48kHz / 24bit / 2304kbps
音频格式2:DTS / 5.1声道 / 48kHz / 24bit / 1509kbps
音频格式2:AC3 / 5.1声道 / 48kHz / 16bit / 640kbps

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Original title: Coldplay Live 2012
Year: 2012
Genre: Alternative rock
Director: Paul Dugdale
Cast and Crew: Guy Berryman – bass, backing vocals, harmonica, mandolin, acoustic guitar; Jonny Buckland – lead guitar, backing vocals, percussion; Will Champion – drums, backing vocals, rhythm guitar, piano; Chris Martin – lead vocals, piano, rhythm guitar; & special guest Rihanna

• Coldplay’s Live 2012, is the band’s first concert film / live album in nine years. It documents the group’s acclaimed Mylo Xyloto world tour, which has been seen by more than three million people since it began in June 2011. Coldplay’s 2012 outing came in at No. 1 on Billboard’s latest ranking of the year’s top-grossing tours. Featuring footage captured in Madrid, Paris, Los Angeles, Montreal and at the Glastonbury Festival, the film is a document of the band’s incredible and innovative shows that have thrilled fans in sold-out arenas and stadiums around the world. The film was directed by Paul Dugdale, who helmed Adele’s Live at the Royal Albert Hall and The Prodigy’s Worlds On Fire concert films.


01. Mylo Xyloto
02. Hurts Like Heaven
03. In My Place
04. Major Minus
05. Yellow
06. Violet Hill
07. God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
08. Princess Of China (with Rihanna)
09. Up In Flames
10. Viva La Vida
11. Charlie Brown
12. Paradise
13. Us Against The World
14. Clocks
15. Fix You
16. Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall (with M.M.I.X.)
17. Don’t Let It Break Your Heart
18. The Scientist


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][酷玩乐队 Coldplay 2012演唱会]BDMV 32.7G


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