[BD欧美演唱会][Heart 2016 伦敦演唱会艾尔伯特音乐厅英国皇家爱乐乐团 Heart Live at The Royal Albert Hall with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 2016]ISO 25.2G

英文片名:Heart: Live at The Royal Albert Hall with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
中文片名:演唱会 (2016)
类 型:音乐
地 区:美国
文件大小:25.20 GB, 蓝光原盘 1080i
音 轨:英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1
字 幕:无字幕

Title: Heart: Live at The Royal Albert Hall with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Released: 2016
Genre: Rock, Hard Rock
Conductor: Nick Davies
Artist: Ann Wilson – Vocals; Nancy Wilson – Guitar, Vocals; Benjamin Smith – Drums; Daniel Rothchild – Bass; Craig Bartock – Guitar; Christopher Joyner – Keyboards; The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra


Eagle Rock Entertainment release Heart – Live At The Royal Albert Hall With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on DVD, Blu-ray, CD and Digital Formats. This film captures not only Heart’s first-ever live performance at the Royal Albert Hall but is also the first concert film of Heart performing with a full orchestra. Live At The Royal Albert Hall With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra includes chart-topping songs like “These Dreams”, “Alone”, “What About Love”, “Barracuda”, “Magic Man”, “Dreamboat Annie”, and more! Making their first live appearance at London’s Royal Albert Hall in June 2016 to a sold-out crowd, Heart was accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra who added further depth and epic scale to the band’s songs. The set included hits, fan favorites and both new and reinterpreted tracks from their most recent album Beautiful Broken. The Line-Up for this special show features Ann Wilson (Vocals); Nancy Wilson (Guitar & Vocals); Ben Smith (Drums); Dan Rothchild (Bass); Craig Bartock (Guitar); Chris Joyner (Keyboards) and, of course, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Nick Davies. As a Bonus Feature, this release includes an interview with the band. The chemistry between band and orchestra, that Live At The Royal Albert Hall With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra captures, added a truly magical quality to a concert that will live long in the memory of those Heart fans lucky enough to be present.

01. Magic Man
02. Heaven
03. Dreamboat Annie
04. What About Love
05. I Jump
06. Sweet Darlin ‘
07. Two
08. These Dreams
09. Alone
10. Beautiful Broken
11. Mashallah!
12. Silver Wheels / Crazy On You
13. Sand
14. No Quarter
15. Barracuda
16. Kick It Out

Issued: USA | Eagle Rock Entertainment
Duration: 1:24:59


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Heart 2016 伦敦演唱会艾尔伯特音乐厅英国皇家爱乐乐团 Heart Live at The Royal Albert Hall with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra 2016]ISO 25.2G


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