[BD欧美演唱会][Jimi Hendrix Experience Electric Church – Atlanta Pop Festival 1970 (2015)音乐纪录片][BDMV]29.4G

Title: Jimi Hendrix Experience – Electric Church: Atlanta Pop Festival, July 4, 1970
Release Date: 2015
Runtime: 01:41:35
Genre: Rock, Documentary
Artist: Jimi Hendrix, Billy Cox, Mitch Mitchell, Paul McCartney, Steve Winwood, Rich Robinson, Kirk Hammett, Derek Trucks, Susan Tedeschi, Alex Cooley and many others.

• This special DVD presentation of Jimi Hendrix: Electric Church presents the legendary guitarist in full flight at the 1970 Atlanta Pop Festival before the largest US audience of his career. This critically acclaimed film combines color, 16mm multi-camera footage of Hendrix’s unforgettable July 4, 1970 concert in its original performance sequence together with a new documentary that traces his journey to the festival amidst the dark shadow of civil rights unrest, the unrelenting toll of the Vietnam War and a burgeoning festival culture that drew together young people across the country who were inspired by the Woodstock festival.
• The film details Hendrix’s integral role in drawing nearly 500,000 people to his Electric Church- a dusty, scorching hot pecan orchard in Byron, Georgia some 100 miles south of Atlanta. Together with Experience drummer Mitch Mitchell and bassist Billy Cox, Jimi skillfully blended favorites such as “Purple Haze,” “All Along The Watchtower,” and “Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” with confident renditions of new songs such as “Freedom” and “Straight Ahead” that had not yet been released on album. As a colorful fireworks display stretched overhead across the night sky, Jimi performed the “Star Spangled Banner” to the wild delight of the massive audience.
• The performance footage of the Experience has been carefully restored from the original negative in high definition. The audio soundtrack includes stereo and 5.1 surround sound mixes by Eddie Kramer directly from the original master tapes. This expanded DVD features three songs not seen in the television broadcast. This includes, “Red House,” “Freedom” and a special presentation of “Room Full Of Mirrors” that features all of the existing performance footage combined with never before seen photographs of the Atlanta performance.

1 Fire
2 Spanish Castle Magic
3 Red House
4 Room Full Of Mirrors
5 All Along the Watchtower
6 Freedom
7 Foxey Lady
8 Purple Haze
9 Hey Joe
10 Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
11 Stone Free
12 Star Spangled Banner
13 Straight Ahead
Bonus :
Room Full Of Mirrors


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