[BD欧美演唱会][Sol Gabetta & Sir Simon Rattle in Baden-Baden 2016]BDMV 20.3G

Сomposer: Edward Elgar (1857-1934), György Ligeti (1923-2006), Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971), Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Title: Sol Gabetta & Sir Simon Rattle in Baden-Baden
Release Date: 2016
Genre: Classical
Director: Torben Schmidt Jacobsen
Conductor: Sir Simon Rattle
Artist: Sol Gabetta, cello; Berliner Philharmoniker

• The Argentinian cellist Sol Gabetta made her Philharmoniker debut at the 2014 Easter Festival in Baden-Baden with Edward Elgar’s Cello Concerto, the final great work of the composer. “Sol Gabetta’s Elgar Concerto is one of the best around, a heartfelt, tonally rounded performance.” (Gramophone ). The orchestra and conductor also performed the prelude to Wagner’s Lohengrin, György Ligeti’s orchestral piece Atmosphères and Igor Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps, a work which is entirely focused on the future and pushes the boundaries of classical music in terms of sound, rhythm and energy.
• Sir Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker contrasted the prelude to Wagner’s Lohengrin and György Ligeti’s orchestral piece Atmosphères perfectly, demonstrating that they both employ different styles to pursue a similar objective – an iridescent, otherworldly sound.
• Star cellist Sol Gabetta gave an outstanding interpretation of Elgar’s Cello Concerto: the final great work of the composer, full of melancholy and a sense of farewell.
• In contrast to Elgar, Igor Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps is focused on the future. In their previous performances, the Berliner Philharmoniker and Simon Rattle have shown that this work, despite its inherent modernity, also provides a wealth of sensual pleasure. “The musicians breezed through the Sacre with ridiculous virtuosity, as laid-back as if it were a mambo on a dance floor on a Caribbean beach.” –Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

1. Opening 00:35
György Ligeti (1923-2006)
2. Atmosphères 08:47
Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
3. Prelude to Act 1 of the opera Lohengrin 10:51
Edward Elgar (1857-1934)
Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85
4. Adagio — Moderato 08:35
5. Lento – Allegro molto 04:32
6. Adagio 05:01
7. Allegro – Moderato – Allegro, ma non-troppo 13:01
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
Le Sacre du Printemps
8. L`Adoration de la terre 16:18
9. Le Sacrifice 18:30
10. Applause & End Credits 02:00


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Sol Gabetta & Sir Simon Rattle in Baden-Baden 2016]BDMV 20.3G


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