[BD欧美演唱会][Opera Gala Live from Baden Baden 2016]BDMV 37.5G

Title: Opera Gala: Live from Baden Baden
Release Date: 2016
Genre: Classical, Opera
Conductor: Marco Armiliato
Artist: Jonas Kaufmann – tenor, Anja Harteros – soprano, Bryn Terfel – bass-baritone, Ekaterina Gubanova – mezzo, Badische Staatskapelle

• The Festspiel-Saison at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden culminated with Jonas Kaufmann, Bryn Terfel, Anja Harteros and Ekaterina Gubanova all on stage in this magnificent Opera Gala. The gala presented a diverse range of solo-arias and duets. Among the highlights, included works from Puccini’s ‘Tosca’, Verdi’s ‘Otello’ and Mascagni’s ‘Cavalleria rusticana’. Sony Classical are pleased to see this final concert from the Opera Gala come to life on this DVD and Blu-ray release, a must-have for any opera fanatic.


1. Opening
2. Wagner – Tannhäuser, Akt II: “Dich, teure Halle, grüss’ ich wieder”
3. Gounod – Faust, Acte II: “Le veau d’or est toujours debout”
4. Mascagni – Cavalleria rusticana: “Voi lo sapete, o mamma”
5. Puccini -Tosca, Atto II: “E lucevan le stelle”
6. Boito – Mefistofele, Atto I: “Son lo spirito che nega”
7. Verdi – Un ballo in maschera, Atto III: “Morrň, ma prima in grazia”
8. Mascagni – Cavalleria rusticana: “Tu qui, Santuzza?”
9. Cilea – Adriana Lecouvreur, Atto II : “Acerba voluttŕ… L’anima ho stanca”
10. Puccini – Tosca, Atto: “Mario! Con te! … Vissi d’arte”
11. Verdi – Don Carlo, Atto IV: “Ella giammai m’amň”
12. Verdi – Don Carlo, Atto IV: “O don fatale”
13. Verdi – Don Carlo, Atto V: “Tu che le vanitŕ conoscesti del mondo”
14. Verdi – Otello, Atto I: “Giŕ nella notte densa”
15. Bizet – Carmen, Atto I: “L’amour est un oiseau rebelle (Habanera)”
16. Mascagni – L’amico Fritz, Atto I: “Son pochi fiori”
17. Bock & Harnick – Fiddler on the Roof: “If I were a rich man”
18. Rota & Boncompagni – The Godfather: “Parla piů piano”
19. Lehár – Das Land des Lächelns: “Dein ist mein ganzes Herz”


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