[BD欧美演唱会][Blackberry Smoke – Homecoming_ Live in Atlanta, Georgia 2019][BDMV]33.5G

Of the project, lead singer Charlie Starr shares, “We are really excited to have everyone experience an Atlanta Homecoming show at the Tabernacle. With this live album and film, we tried to capture that special energy. We feel that Homecoming lets you hear and see how much fun we have at those shows.”

The live album features songs from across the band’s acclaimed career, including several from their latest full-length album, “Find A Light”, as well as the band’s previous releases “The Whippoorwill”, “Holding All The Roses” and “Like An Arrow”, all of which are also available on CD and vinyl from our store.

Known for their electric live shows, the band wll continue to tour extensively this fall across the US, before returning to the UK for a prestigious support slow at London’s Wembley Arena with Tedeschi Trucks Band.

Setlist and Cast:
Nobody Gives A Damn
Waiting For The Thunder
Pretty Little Lie
Let It Burn
Best Seat In The House
Medicate My Mind
Sleeping Dogs
Run Away From It All
Running Through Time
Lord Strike Me Dead
Mother Mountain
Ain’t Got The Blues
Free On The Wing
One Horse Town
I’ll Keep Ramblin’
Flesh And Blood
Not Fade Away
Ain’t Much Left Of Me

Bonus Tracks

Payback’s A Bitch
Space Captain

Backstage Scenes

Charlie’s 1958 Les Paul
A Chat With “Doc” Oswalt
Merch Mountain
Extented Fan Scene

Charlie Starr vocals, lead guitar
Brit Turner Drums
Richard Turner bass/vocals
Paul Jackson guitar/vocals
Brandon Still keys


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][Blackberry Smoke – Homecoming_ Live in Atlanta, Georgia 2019][BDMV]33.5G


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