[BD欧美演唱会][The Brian Setzer Orchestra Christmas Rocks! Live 2018 1080i Blu-ray AVC TrueHD 5.1][BDMV]22.1G

Iconic guitarist, songwriter, vocalist and three-time Grammy award winner Brian Setzer and his 19-piece orchestra are releasing a new concert fil this November on HD Blu-Ray. Christmas Rock! Live was filmed in Santa Barbara at the Granada Theatre and features timeless Christmas classics like, Rockin Around The Christmas Tree , Jingle Bells , and Here Comes Santa Claus as well as hits such as Stray Cat Strut , Jump, Jive An Wail and Rock This Town Track listing: Pennsylvania 6-5000; Rockin Around The Christmas Tree; Hoodoo Voodoo Doll; Stray Cat Strut Boogie Woogie Santa Claus; Gene & Eddie; Angels We Have Heard On High; Jump Jive An Wail; Here Comes Santa Claus; Wichita Lineman; Runnin Down A Dream; The Christmas Song; Rockabilly Boogie; Rocket In My Pocket; Fishnet Stockings; Rock This Town; Nutcracker Suite; Jingle Bells.

01. Pennsylvania 6-5000
02. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
03. Hoodoo Voodoo Doll
04. Stray Cat Strut
05. Boogie Woogie Santa Claus
06. Gene and Eddie
07. Angels We Have Heard on High
08. The Dirty Boogie
09. Jump, Jive an’ Wail
10. Here Comes Santa Claus
11. Wichita Lineman
12. Runnin’ Down a Dream
13. The Christmas Song
14. Rockabilly Boogie
15. I Got a Rocket in My Pocket
16. Fishnet Stockings
17. Rock This Town
18. The Nutcracker Suite
19. Jingle Bells


山雨音乐 » [BD欧美演唱会][The Brian Setzer Orchestra Christmas Rocks! Live 2018 1080i Blu-ray AVC TrueHD 5.1][BDMV]22.1G


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